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What is the difference between ETH & USDB on blast?

Similar to ETH, WETH and USDB on Blast is also rebasing and follows the same yield mode configurations. However, unlike ETH where contracts have Disabled yield by default, WETH and USDB accounts have Automatic yield by default for both EOAs and smart contracts.

What's the difference between blast mainnet & Ethereum?

Luckily, BLAST Mainnet is EVM equivalent (opens new window), so it's 100% the same as deploying a contract to Ethereum. If you're a bit more familiar with BLAST and Ethereum, you can try walking through one of the various tutorials (opens new window) put together by the Blast community.

What is the difference between ETH & USDB?

However, unlike ETH where contracts have Disabled yield by default, WETH and USDB accounts have Automatic yield by default for both EOAs and smart contracts. Users can change the yield mode of their WETH and USDB accounts by calling the configure function on the relevant token address.

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